Rich Brown, President, along with his wife, both retired from the Air Force after serving 20 and 23 years, respectively. He pursued his theological education at Moody Bible Institute and Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary, culminating in a career spanning 22 years as an Associate and Senior Pastor.

In July 2016, following the tragic shootings of Dallas Police Officers, Rich became involved with the APD, collaborating closely with Chief Stan Standridge to establish "Pastors on Patrol." With a profound belief in the excellence of the local Police Department, he considers it a privilege to serve on the board.

Through numerous ride-alongs, Rich witnessed firsthand the remarkable service provided by the APD to the community. He shares the sentiment of officers who view their service as a ministry to the community. Reflecting on his upbringing in New York City, where he benefited from the Police Athletic League's after-school program, Rich recognizes the transformative impact of such initiatives. Joining the APF, he sees it as an opportunity to reciprocate the service rendered to him and his community by those in law enforcement.