Lauren moved to Abilene in 2001, where her family was stationed at Dyess Air Force Base. She and her family created deep roots within the community and made Abilene their hometown. After graduating from Cooper High School she attended Hardin-Simmons University where she received her bachelor’s degree in Biology and continued on to earn her masters in Environmental & Wildlife Management. In her role as Marketing & Business Development Manager at Hendrick Health she helps bring awareness to Abilene and the surrounding counties on the importance of donating blood in your community and giving back to your local hospitals. When she is not at work, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, traveling and hiking when she can.​

Lauren’s father, George Spindler, honorably served with APD for 12 years and retired in 2018 to take care of her mother who had been battling GIST cancer and later passed in October of 2018. The Abilene Back the Badge Foundation, formerly the Abilene Police Foundation (APF) was instrumental in helping the Spindler family during illness and loss.​ Lauren could think of no better organization to help serve and looks forward to her time on the board and giving back to the men and women who risk their lives each and every day to our community.